Masonic Medical Research Institute (MMRI) is committed to the ethical and compliant care and use of animals in research. If anyone, including MMRI employees, its clients, contractors, and individuals from the public at large, is aware of potential violations to existing animal care and use regulations, or observes misuse or mistreatment of animals, they are strongly encouraged to report their observations.
They may report their concerns anonymously to MMRI Management, the Institutional Official (IO), the IACUC Chair or any IACUC member, the Animal Core Facility Manager, or the attending Veterinarian using the email or phone call to 315-735-2217 ext. 6138.
MMRI will not tolerate retaliation toward or harassment of employees or client personnel who report actual or possible violations and will undertake diligent efforts to protect the positions and reputations of those persons who, in good faith, make allegations of animal welfare violations.
Investigations will be conducted carefully and discreetly, with all reasonable precautions, consistent with the need for a complete and comprehensive review of the case, to maintain confidentiality to the extent permissible under federal and state laws, and to protect the rights and legitimate interests of both the person making the disclosure of violation and the subject(s) of the investigation.